One Little Word … or Maybe Two?

Long before the end of 2018, I knew what my One Little Word for 2019 would be: Balance. Publishing two books in one year took a toll on me, and I knew I had to do things differently from now on. Elizabeth Gilbert would call me a “jackhammer” because I drill down on my passion for writing to the exclusion of everything else. I get so caught up in my writing, or editing, or revising that I can’t believe it’s bedtime and I haven’t moved from my desk all day. When I’m writing, I set a timer so I’ll get Read More

My “One Little Word” for 2018: BALANCE

In a Super Soul Session, Elizabeth Gilbert talks about hummingbirds and jackhammers. My friend Lisa is a hummingbird. I so admire her curiosity and willingness to try new things. Conversations with Lisa are like a feast as she tells me about the books she’s reading and the myriad activities she’s involved in. She, like a hummingbird, samples many of life’s rich experiences. Elizabeth Gilbert says hummingbirds are “cross-pollenating the world with their creativity and openness to new ideas.” A lovely image. I am a jackhammer. I drill down, laser-focused on my passion—writing. Elizabeth Gilbert says the gift of the jackhammer Read More

My WIP is RIP v.2

Two months ago I wrote about abandoning my WIP Buried Secrets, the sequel to The Cavanaugh House. While the decision wasn’t easy, with a little help from Elizabeth Gilbert and her latest book Big Magic, I was at peace when I packed up my manuscript, notes and critiques and put them on the top shelf of my office closet. Little did I know that as I was packing one book away I was unpacking new opportunities for two others.   When a negative review is a good thing Why is it if we get ten compliments and one criticism, it’s Read More


I have abandoned the manuscript I’ve been working on for over a year. Not an easy decision. After writing The Cavanaugh House, I thought it would be easy to bust out a sequel. I had ready-made setting, characters, and plot devices. Readers were clamoring for more of Jesse and Joe, Maggie and Marty and ghosts…more ghosts. I had the recipe, now all I had to do was follow it, right?   Wrong.   Boris, Where are You? For one thing, I didn’t feel Boris, my Muse, like I normally do when I write. He was with me as I wrote Read More