Who Was the Woman Embroiled in the World of Spies, Intrigue, and Passion?

Becky Lower, author of The Cotillion Ball series, published this post on her blog, History Imagined  a while back. She graciously allowed me to repost it here. It’s a perfect explanation of the world in which Jenny and Andrew find themselves in  Love’s Courage. Any fan of AMC’s TURN will recognize who Becky is talking about. Long before Agent 007 was a germ of an idea in Ian Fleming’s mind, there was Agent 355, one of the first female spies in America, active during the Revolutionary War. But unlike James Bond, Agent 355’s identity is still not known, even after all Read More

Julie Doherty Honors Her Ancestors in a Tale of Hardship and Romance

Julie Doherty shares my love of historical romance set in the 18th century. We both find the passion and dedication of our forebears fascinating. Welcome, Julie. Talk about your book. What was the first seed of an idea you had? How did it develop? In SCATTERED SEEDS, a father/son duo flees Ireland in an attempt to recover fortune and lost love. Unfortunately, they arrive in America woefully unprepared—at the outset of the French and Indian War. All hope of survival rests upon the seed they carry over the mountains, but it’s love that grows best on the Pennsylvania frontier. The Read More