Love’s Courage: Square Peg in a Round Hole?

Most romance readers prefer a particular heat level in romance. These levels range from inspirational, where there is no intimate contact below the neck, to sweet, aka “behind closed doors,” where intimacy occurs, but the reader uses her imagination. Next is sensual where romantic scenes are more detailed, but not as numerous as spicy, where heat level is high and intimate scenes are frequent. Finally, erotica, which burns up the pages (and the romance market). When I was having coffee with my editor, Julie Sturgeon, we had a conversation about these levels. She suggested that readers will read “down” according Read More

The American Revolution from the Loyalist Point of View

Elaine Couglar and I have a lot in common. Like me, Elaine Couglar is a retired teacher. Like me, Elaine writes historical fiction set during the American Revolution. Our approach in our writing is, shall we say…different. Elaine writes from the Loyalist point of view, and I write from the Patriot’s point of view. How fun is that? Welcome, Elaine. Talk about the books you’ve written. What was the first seed of an idea you had for your book? How did it develop? Almost ten years ago my son asked me if there was anything I wished I had done Read More