One Little Word … or Maybe Two?

Long before the end of 2018, I knew what my One Little Word for 2019 would be: Balance. Publishing two books in one year took a toll on me, and I knew I had to do things differently from now on.

Elizabeth Gilbert would call me a “jackhammer” because I drill down on my passion for writing to the exclusion of everything else. I get so caught up in my writing, or editing, or revising that I can’t believe it’s bedtime and I haven’t moved from my desk all day.

When I’m writing, I set a timer so I’ll get up and do yoga or walk or ride my recumbent bike after writing for 30 minutes. When the timer goes off, I ignore it. I set an alarm (a gentle chime) as a meditation reminder every day. Then I ignore it. I schedule time on my calendar for reading each afternoon. Then I ignore it.

Obviously, I need balance. I told Rich in November that “Balance” would be my One Little Word this year. Then something strange happened. I got thirsty.

When I wrote my Passion Roadmap in my Passion Planner, I wrote about exploring, playing, and learning. Especially learning. I’ve always said if I won the Lotto, I would become a professional student. After a year of writing and producing stories, I feel like my tank is empty. I need to refill. Maybe my One Little Word is “Learning.”

I have a hunger for research and discovering new ideas, thoughts, and opinions. I want to be challenged and affirmed. I want to nod, “Yes, I know that,” or exclaim, “I didn’t know that!” So I’m on a mission to absorb. Be a sponge. Soak up knowledge about many topics, not just writing.

I’m pretty excited. I wonder if I’ll get pretty tired. But I’ve started on this journey of discovery. My son and daughter-in-law, Matt and Rachel, gave me Brene Brown’s Book Dare to Lead, and I’ve already delved into it. I’m soaking up her ideas.

My notes from the History of Witchcraft class.

Rich discovered an ancestor who was accused of being a witch. I want to write her story, but first I want to research her story. So this week I attended the first of two classes called the History of Witchcraft. I was writing notes today! *wipes a tear of joy*

I’m beginning to fill my tank so I’ll be ready and anxious to write my next book. So is my One Little Word “Balance” or is it “Learning”? I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive.

What is your One Little Word for 2019?

12 thoughts on “One Little Word … or Maybe Two?

  1. Maris Soule says:

    My word should be “No.” Note, I said should be. So far that’s not happening. I seem to get sucked into things, things that keep me from my writing. I need to start saying “No!.”

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      What a great word, Maris! So short, and yet, so powerful. Setting boundaries is tough for us writers because we’re such nice people LOL. I have the same propensity to say yes when I already have a full plate. I remember the best advice I got when I retired from teaching (and every thinks you have nothing to do). Someone told me to, instead of saying “no,” say “That won’t work for me right now.” It’s gentler but still is a no. All best with your writing in 2019!

      • Debra Hartman says:

        Along with Maris word NO. I have decided to rid myself of the words, “I understand”. Many times I use this expression just to appease someone else’s need. Back to my word VALUES. If it doesn’t match my VALUES, I should use Maris’s word along with “NO, I DON’T UNDERSTAND. Must return to editing. But I just have to read all of these comments. Sharing is so important.

        • Elizabeth Meyette says:

          Your comment reminds me of something I read in Brene Brown’s book Dare to Lead. Sometimes we want to appear polite instead of honest. It’s great that you’re connecting with Maris’s word in that way. Happy editing!

  2. Patricia Kiyono says:

    I think my word for the year should be FOCUS. I have so many irons in the fire that I can’t seem to get anything done. I’ll write for 15 minutes, then get up and sew. Then I’ll try to get back into it and work on promo. And then there’s schoolwork and music, and grandkids…

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      Too funny, Patricia. I just responded to Lucy’s post about the same word – Focus. And you used one of the metaphors I used – irons in the fire. Yes, in addition to just the writing “irons” there are all the other responsibilities we have in life. This year, I hope your One Little Word helps you with all the hats you wear.

  3. Lucy Kubash says:

    I think it’s Focus, because if I expect to get anything done, I need to focus on one project at a time. Not an easy task when you’re editing one book, revising another, and trying to write new words, but that’s a writer’s life, right? I just need to focus on whatever it is I’m doing that day and not let my mind wander to the next thing. We’ll see how that goes! Good luck to you, Betty. I’m already looking forward to your next book.

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      Focus is a great word, Lucy. And a great challenge for writers. As you said, we always have several irons in the fire, or as Rich says, we’re spinning a lot of plates at once. Whatever metaphor you use, focus is a great choice. Good luck with your writing/editing/revising. And thank you for your kind words.

  4. Debra Hartman says:

    I have a group of lady friends who have also picked their word for the year. However, I decided to go about it a bit differently. I am choosing a word a month. The possibilities were staggering. This month my word is values. I am wanting to look at what I say and do and be able to ask myself is this something that agrees with my personal values? If not, what change do I need to make? This includes ridding myself of acquaintances that do not compliment my way of thinking or lifestyle. I loved the blog. Great work.

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      I love your idea of a monthly One Little Word, Debra. It offers such opportunity for growth. You echo something I read recently – I think from Elizabeth Gilbert – about letting go of relationships that drain your energy and spirit. Very similar to what you are saying. When I hear the same thing from multiple resources, I know I need to listen. I’d love to hear how your monthly word goes this year.

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